Среди учеников 9 классов проводится много разных олимпиад, участие в которых крайне полезно. Победители таких испытаний обычно получают льготы при поступлении в вузы, а все остальные участники во время подготовки прокачивают навыки и укрепляют имеющиеся знания, необходимые, например, при сдаче ОГЭ или международных экзаменов по английскому языку. Участие в олимпиаде — это новые знакомства, мотивация больше учиться, развитие творческого мышления.
Уровни и этапы олимпиад для старшеклассников, призы победителям
Олимпиады проводятся как очно, так и в режиме онлайн (пандемия внесла коррективы), они могут проходить в несколько этапов, их организаторами могут выступать любые учреждения, имеющие отношение к образованию и науке.
Как правило, организаторами подобного рода конкурсов выступают разные вузы, органы власти, а также частные и государственные компании, заинтересованные в привлечении молодых специалистов. Университеты и другие учебные заведения, которые организовывают олимпиады, в качестве призов могут самостоятельно предоставлять победителям самые разные льготы, например, добавить 100 баллов по дополнительным вступительным экзаменам и т.п.
В зависимости от количества участников и территориального охвата школьные олимпиады бывают трех уровней:
- I уровень — олимпиада, в которой участвует более 3000 человек из 20 и более регионов России
- II уровень — участвует более 1500 человек, проводится в 10 и более регионах РФ
- III уровень — более 1500 участников из трех и более регионов страны
Всероссийская олимпиада школьников — самая масштабная и наиболее престижная из всех российских олимпиад. Ежегодно в ней принимают участие более 5 миллионов школьников по всей стране. Победители и призеры заключительных этапов могут поступить без экзаменов практически в любой российский вуз.
Всероссийская олимпиада школьников проходит в 4 этапа:
- Школьный
- Муниципальный
- Региональный
- Заключительный
Заключительный этап — самый важный, он проходит в крупных городах России, куда съезжаются все участники, набравшие достаточно баллов на муниципальном и региональном этапах. Конкуренция на завершающем этапе олимпиады по английскому языку просто запредельная.
Что представляет собой олимпиада по английскому языку
Олимпиада по английскому языку состоит из устного и письменного блоков, задания из которых проверяют знание языка по всем ключевым аспектам:
- Аудирование (ребятам предлагается прослушать диалоги и выполнить задания по ним)
- Чтение — несколько заданий на понимание прочитанных текстов
- Грамматика и лексика
- Письмо (обычно ребятам предлагается написать личное письмо, придерживаясь ключевых тем)
- Устная речь (Speaking)
Рекомендуемый уровень сложности заданий по шкале Совета Европы — B1-B2.
Примеры олимпиадных заданий для учеников 9 классов
Задания на олимпиадах отличаются от задач из школьных учебников. Это всегда нестандартные вопросы и задачи, для решения которых необходимо мыслить креативно и широко. Чем больше ученик готовится к олимпиаде, тем активнее развивает творческое мышление, которое непременно пригодится не только в учебе, но и во взрослой жизни.
Олимпиадные задания варьируются по сложности, они проверяют знание грамматики и лексики достаточно объективно. Вопросы сильно напоминают задания известных международных экзаменов (IELTS, TOEFL и т.д.): школьников просят преобразовать слово в подходящую часть речи или выбрать правильную форму глагола. Встречаются и весьма оригинальные задания, требующие творческого подхода и развитой эрудиции. К примеру, есть задания, в которых нужно сопоставить имена английских писателей с описаниями их творческих работ.
Рассмотрим примеры заданий из олимпиад по английскому языку прошлых лет.
Задания блока «Чтение» (READING) из Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку 2022 года:
Read the passage below and choose option which best fits according to the text (Прочитайте приведенный ниже отрывок и выберите вариант, который лучше всего соответствует тексту.
Round the World in a Yacht
(1) Imagine, for a moment, spending the night on board a large yacht, being roughly woken in the pitch dark and ordered on deck. Every so often you will be totally drenched, very suddenly, in salt water. You will be sharing the same cramped space with 14 other people for a whole year. Your stomach, when not affected by seasickness, will be hit by the competitive tension and nervousness that afflicts all sportspeople. You will be obliged to concentrate without cease. The slightest loss of focus could cost someone their life.
(2) For the eight crews taking part in the Round-the-World yachting race, this has been daily life since they left Britain eleven months ago. Now, after racing 50,000 kilometres of ocean, they are soon due home. While most of us have worked, slept, taken a holiday, these crews have sailed and sailed, day after day, night after night, in weather conditions that would test any human. This is the reality of ocean yacht racing, which bears little resemblance to the popular image of sailing — the quick sprint around a lake before returning ashore for a meal and a warm bath.
(3) Racing 20-meter yachts around the world is a story of unrelenting hard work, pushing yourself to the limits of endurance, story of dogged determination to go on. But it is also a story of the vastness and beauty of the sea, of seeing the sun rise and set on hundreds of desolate horizons, and of the supreme satisfaction of arriving somewhere knowing that wind alone has taken you there.
(4) Unlike the captains, who are professional sailors, the crews all consist of amateur volunteers who have actually paid for the privilege of taking a year off from their work and enduring these difficult conditions. On board the London Light the ages range from 21 to 65. For the youngest member, Susan Porter, the trip is about the excitement of both the racing and the elements. ‘Being able to pitch yourselves as a team against a storm gives you a huge sense of achievement,’ she says.
(5) Jerry Wallace, a marketing director, found sailing a refreshing change from the selfish individualism of business. Although he was prepared for the discomfort, the mental stress of long-distance racing was not what he had anticipated. ‘A Grand Prix driver has a few hours of focus, a footballer 90 minutes, but we have been racing for 11 months. This is something I didn’t really appreciate before I started.’
(6) Inevitably, there are tensions. The kind of people who choose to take part in races like this tend to be motivated and strong-willed. On a trivial level, there are the usual arguments about things like cleaning, tidying, personal hygiene, even the way people snore. Rows on a boat must be addressed immediately. Left to develop, they get much worse. On the London Light they have done this by having a meeting where problems can be discussed and resolved by majority vote. Cooperation is the key, and everyone can have their say. The London Light is one of the few boats that has never lost any crew early because of a personality clash.
(7) The strongest source of unrest on any boat, whether professional or amateur, is the racing itself. Such is the issue’s potential for disruption that two captains resigned during the year because their crews were unhappy at their boat’s lack of racing success. Inevitably, some crew members want to race the boat hard. That means that only the best sailors tend to get to actually steer the boat, which is not satisfactory.
(8) Some crew members feel they have paid their money and should not be excluded from any tasks on the boat. Walter Given, a retired teacher aboard the London Light, believes the jobs around the boat should be shared out among the crew. And if that means that some of the less competent spend time at the wheel, so be it. ‘We all could have done some more steering — that’s the glamorous bit,’ he says, though this did not spoil the trip for him at all. At 65 the oldest member of the crew, Walter feels the trip has really given him a lot more enthusiasm for life.
1. Everyday life on board during the yachting race can be described as:
ordered and settled.
competitive and regulated.
communal and tense. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
untidy and messy.
2. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is:
to break the stereotype about spending time on a yacht. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
to show how hard life on board a yacht is.
to emphasize the length of the distance to cover.
to show how pleasant it is to head home.
3. The word unrelenting is Paragraph 3 is closest to the meaning of:
4. All the hardships on board can be offset by:
the chance to visit abandoned islands in the ocean.
the strong winds that help the yacht move faster.
the possibility to be alone with nature.
the splendour of nature and its powers. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
5. Most people taking part in the race:
have to go through special training.
are non-specialists in the field. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
have to be of a certain age.
are strong team players.
6. “This” in Paragraph 5 refers to:
the duration of intense mental concentration. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
the inconvenience of life on board.
the everyday inconveniences.
the business-like manner of running the yacht.
7. In case of a disagreement on board
crew members should stand their ground no matter what.
the captain has the final say.
its resolution can be postponed for some time.
prompt measures should be taken straight away. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
8. Two of the captains handed in their notices
because of having only amateurs in the crew.
as their crew considered them unprofessional.
as a result of the yacht’s poor performance. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
because of the constant rows on board.
9. Walter Given strongly believes that on board a yacht each person
has to only do what they are most competent at.
should try to steer more every day.
should try different tasks irrespective of their skills. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
has to pay more if they want to do fewer tasks.
10. Which is NOT TRUE about the London Light crew?
They belong to different generations.
They are confident and uncompromising. — ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ
They are supportive, and strong team players.
They have different professional backgrounds.
Задания блока USE OF ENGLISH из Всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому языку 2022 года:
Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct put a tick. Use the letter «V» as a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in a given space (Прочитайте текст ниже и внимательно посмотрите на каждую строку. Некоторые строки правильные, а в некоторых есть слово, которого там быть не должно. Если строка правильная, поставьте галочку — «V». Если в строке есть слово, которого там быть не должно, напишите это слово через заданный пробел):
1. But in addition to the vocabulary is made much larger than it appears by the practice of turning one part of speech into another. For example, almost any noun can be used as a verb. (Правильный ответ: to)
2. This in effect gives an extra range of verbs, so that you have knife as well as stab, school as well as teach, fire as well as burn, and so on. (Правильный ответ: V)
3. Verbs can also change into nouns with a considerable freedom, and by the use of affixes such as -y, -ful, -like, any noun can be turned into an adjective. (Правильный ответ: a)
4. More freely than in most languages, verbs and adjectives can be turned into their opposites by means of the prefix un-. And adjectives can be made more emphatic or given a new twist by tying a noun to them; for example, lily-white, sky-blue, coal-black, ironhard, etc. (Правильный ответ: V)
5. But English is also, and to an unnecessary extent, a borrowing language. It readily takes over any foreign word that seems to fill in a need, often altering the meaning. (Правильный ответ: in)
6. English grammar is simple. The language is almost completely uninflected one. Any regular English verb has only three inflections, the third person singular, the present participle, and the past participle. (Правильный ответ: one)
7. Thus, for instance, the verb to live consists of live, lives, living, lived, and that is all. There is, of course, a great wealth of tenses, but these are made by the use of auxiliaries which themselves barely inflect. (Правильный ответ: V)
8. May, might, shall, will, should, would do not inflect at all. The main thing is that every other person in every tense of such a verb as to live can be expressed in only about thirty words. (Правильный ответ: other)
9. The corresponding number in, for instance, French would be somewhere near two hundred. And in English there is the added advantage that the auxiliaries used to make the tenses are the same in every case. (Правильный ответ: V)
10. The greatest quality of English is its enormous range not only of meaning but of tone. It is capable of endless subtleties, and of everything from the most high-flown rhetoric across to the most brutal coarseness. (Правильный ответ: across)
11. It is the language of lyric poetry, and also of headlines. It is therefore well suited to be a world lingua franca, and it has in fact spread more widely than any other language. (Правильный ответ: V)
12. But there are also great disadvantages, or at least great dangers, in speaking English as one’s native tongue. To begin with, the English are being very poor linguists. (Правильный ответ: being)
13. Their own language is grammatically so simple that unless they have not gone through the discipline of learning a foreign language in childhood, they are often quite unable to grasp what is meant by gender, person, and case. (Правильный ответ: not)
14. Whoever writes English is involved in a struggle that never lets up even for a sentence. They are struggling against vagueness, against obscurity, against the encroachment of Latin and Greek, and, above all, against the worn-out phrases and dead metaphors with which the language is cluttered up. (Правильный ответ: V)
15. In speaking, these dangers are more easily avoided, but spoken English differs from written English more sharply than is the case in most of languages. (Правильный ответ: of)
Пример письменного задания из олимпиады по английскому для 9 классов
Comment on the following quotation (Прокомментируйте цитату):
«We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology». (Carl Sagan)
«Мы живем в обществе, чрезвычайно зависимом от науки и техники, в котором вряд ли кто-нибудь что-либо знает о науке и технике». (Карл Саган)
Write 200-250 words. Use the following plan (Напишите 200-250 слов, используя следующий план):
- make an introduction, explaining how you understand the author’s point of view (сделайте введение, объяснив, как вы понимаете точку зрения автора);
- express your personal opinion and give reasons to support it (выразите свое личное мнение и приведите доводы в его поддержку);
- give examples from literature or history to illustrate your reasons (приведите примеры из литературы или истории, чтобы проиллюстрировать свои доводы);
- make a conclusion restating your position (сделайте вывод, подтверждающий вашу позицию).